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Thank you, we have received your Trademark submission.  We will respond shortly with more information!
If you would like immediate assistance, please feel free to call Leon or Kathy at any time:   

Kathy Cox

Legal Assistant to Leon Bass 


P:  614.220.0228


Leon D. Bass, Esq. 


P:  614-431-2277


We look forward to speaking with you soon!

-Leon Bass & Stephanie Mitchell



***Please note that an attorney-client relationship is not formed solely by sending us communications by web form, email or by telephone.  In order to engage our firm, we must  agree to the representation after we discuss your matter and run a conflict check, and you agree to our retainer agreement. ***

Surface Audio
25 Years
    In Practice        1998--2023

Karen Kent

Legal Assistant to Leon Bass 


P:  614.334.7186


Leon D. Bass 


P:  614-431-2277 (call/text)

(New clients by appointment only)




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Office Locations:


Taft's Columbus Office is located in the Huntington Center on Capitol Square in downtown Columbus:


41 S. State St.  Ste. 1800

Columbus, OH 43215










For other office locations, see here.


*Leon Bass is licensed as an attorney to practice law in Ohio and the U.S. Virgin Islands


2023 Elite Lawyer

IP Excellence Awards 

Best for Trademark Law 

Leading Entertainment Lawyer 


Legal Elite

Best IP / Entertainment

Law Firm of the Year

Ohio and U.S. Virgin Islands

Columbus Business First

People to Know in Law

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