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Entertainment Law & Media 


The media and entertainment industry is fast-paced and competitive, making it vital for businesses to keep up with trends and a myriad of ever-changing legal issues. As entertainment companies collaborate across multiple market segments, they seek legal services that understand the implications and applicability of regulations and legal issues.


With over 20 years of entertainment industry experience, Leon Bass has have a diverse skill set that matches the variety of legal issues media and entertainment clients face.  We help clients protect and license  intellectual property assets, complying with advertising regulations as well as protecting and overcoming first amendment rights.


Tested experience handling clients’ legal and business issues allows us to help them spot opportunities, identify issues before they arise and manage risk which frees them up to focus on their creative work.


We can assist with most entertainment related matters, including:


  • Music, recording industry, and publishing agreements.

  • Film industry agreements and entities.

  • Band agreements and entities (limited liability companies).

  • Music festivals and concert venues.

  • Software, computer programs, websites and IT law.

  • Television deals and agreements

  • Books and literary deals.

  • Performance agreements

  • Agent and manager deals

  • Negotiating sponsorship agreements.

  • Securing domain names.

  • Analyzing false advertising issues.

  • Establishing agreements related to technology outsourcing and protecting intellectual property.

  • Launch mobile and web applications and draft related terms of use, privacy policies and terms of service.

  • Crisis management counsel.

  • Representation of celebrities and celebrity estates.

  • Literary representation.

  • Rights clearing.

  • Streaming and downloading of music on the Internet.

  • Trademark counseling, registration practice and dispute resolution.

  • Print, online, radio and television syndication agreements.

  • Sale of artwork and other matters related to visual art.

  • We have long-term relationships with many clients, which enables us to be a valuable source of institutional knowledge for their business.

Surface Audio
25 Years
    In Practice        1998--2023

Karen Kent

Legal Assistant to Leon Bass 


P:  614.334.7186


Leon D. Bass 


P:  614-431-2277 (call/text)

(New clients by appointment only)




      LinkedIn             Bio                vCard


Office Locations:


Taft's Columbus Office is located in the Huntington Center on Capitol Square in downtown Columbus:


41 S. State St.  Ste. 1800

Columbus, OH 43215










For other office locations, see here.


*Leon Bass is licensed as an attorney to practice law in Ohio and the U.S. Virgin Islands


2023 Elite Lawyer

IP Excellence Awards 

Best for Trademark Law 

Leading Entertainment Lawyer 


Legal Elite

Best IP / Entertainment

Law Firm of the Year

Ohio and U.S. Virgin Islands

Columbus Business First

People to Know in Law

Super Lawyers

Top Attorney - Columbus CEO

Rated Excellent - Top Attorney


The Best Lawyers in America™

2022 & 2023


2022 & 2023 Lawyers of Distinction

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